
September 28, 2012

week in review.......

this has been an unusually busy week for us. typically, our evenings are quiet but this week....
our new small group had it's first meeting.....
a benefit was held in memorial of one of the sweetest little boys i once knew.....
we're dining at the church this evening....
i'm going to miss the family reunion/octoberfest because....
i'm attending my first iron sharpens iron conference.

here are a few moments from our week

our first date night in months; silly antics in target; one of my favorite meals; the best place to buy groceries ever....

fall means comfy slippers & meatball stew in the crockpot; early morning cuddles :-)

how was your week? anything exciting happen? please share!

linking up here

life rearranged


  1. Yum sushi!! And I love silly Target antics. This week was long!! I am so happy it is Friday!!

    Have a fabulous weekend!

  2. I've been looking for a good soup recipe for my crockpot. Yours looks good!

    1. thanks for stopping by, Allison! here's the meatball stew recipe I used:

      it wasn't quite as thick as I'd like but it could be thickened easy enough when it's done. also, i added some rosemary - gave it a nice flavor.

      you've got quite a bit of apples! i don't do apple pie myself (lazy cook!!) but i am considering trying my had at some apple butter....

      BTW, tried to comment on your blog but captcha & my browser don't seem to get along :-( been having that problem all day!!

  3. Oh man, now i really want some sushi! Stopping by from Life Rearranged ;-)


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